印度为煤炭气化项目提供奖励,以减少排放,加强能源安全。 India awards incentives for coal gasification projects to cut emissions and boost energy security.
印度政府向金达尔钢铁和电力公司、新时代清洁技术公司和Greta Energy等公司提供财政奖励,以资助根据8,500卢比方案实施的煤气化项目。 The Indian government has awarded financial incentives to companies like Jindal Steel and Power, New Era Cleantech, and Greta Energy for coal gasification projects under a Rs 8,500 crore scheme. 这些项目旨在减少碳排放、加强能源安全,并帮助印度到2030年实现1亿吨煤气化。 These projects aim to reduce carbon emissions, enhance energy security, and help India achieve 100 million tonnes of coal gasification by 2030. 该倡议推动技术进步,以实现更可持续的能源未来。 The initiative promotes technological advancements for a more sustainable energy future.