FEMA解雇了4名雇员,超过据称滥用59.3M美元在纽约市供移民旅馆和服务之用的指控。 FEMA fires 4 employees over alleged $59.3M misuse for migrant hotels and services in NYC.
FEMA解雇了首席财务干事和其他三名雇员,据称他们滥用联邦资金支付5 930万美元,用于纽约市为移民提供的旅馆和服务。 FEMA has fired its Chief Financial Officer and three other employees for allegedly misusing federal funds to pay $59.3 million for hotels and services for migrants in New York City. 未经适当批准支付了旅馆费用共计1 900万美元和额外服务费用其余部分。 The payments, totaling $19 million for hotels and the remainder for additional services, were made without proper approval. 国土安全部指出,将追究有关人员的责任。 The Department of Homeland Security has stated that those involved will be held accountable. 这引发了对滥用纳税人的钱支持移民的批评。 This has sparked criticism over the misuse of taxpayer money for supporting migrants.