纽约市对特朗普政府削减 $80M FEMA 对移民住房的资金提出异议。 New York City disputes Trump administration's $80M FEMA funding cut for migrant housing.
纽约市与特朗普政府就 FEMA 用于移民住房的 8000 万美元资金被取消存在争议。 New York City is in dispute with the Trump administration over $80 million in FEMA funds rescinded for migrant housing. FEMA 表示担心可能被滥用,但该市辩称这些资金被授权用于合法服务。 FEMA cited concerns over potential misuse, but the city argues the funds were authorized for legitimate services. 一名联邦法官允许政府继续扣留资金,加剧了紧张局势。 A federal judge allowed the administration to continue withholding the funds, escalating tensions. 纽约市官员正在考虑采取法律行动收回这些资金。 New York City officials are considering legal action to reclaim the funds.