美国军方禁止变性人加入并限制医疗程序,引发诉讼。 U.S. military bans transgender individuals from joining and restricts medical procedures, sparking lawsuits.
根据特朗普总统的行政命令,美国军方禁止变性人加入和暂停对现任军人实施性别确认医疗程序。 The U.S. military has banned transgender individuals from joining and paused gender-affirming medical procedures for current service members, following President Trump's executive order. 国防部长Pete Hegseth的备忘录 也停止了对有性别紊乱史的个人的晋升。 Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth's memo also halted promotions for individuals with a history of gender dysphoria. 因为盖洛普民意测验显示, 对变性部队的支持率从2019年的71%下降到了2025年的58%, This move comes as a Gallup poll shows support for transgender troops has dropped from 71% in 2019 to 58% in 2025, with the decline mainly among Republicans and Independents. LGBT倡导团体已提出诉讼, 质疑禁令。 LGBTQ+ advocacy groups have filed lawsuits challenging the ban.