尼日利亚总统根据新规则,禁止军事人员从事同性恋、纹身和其他活动。 Nigerian president bans military personnel from homosexuality, tattoos, and other activities in new rules.
尼日利亚总统博拉·蒂努布(Bola Tinubu)禁止军事人员参与包括同性恋、女同性恋、兽奸、交叉装饰、穿透身体、纹身、扰乱行为和酗酒等活动。 Nigerian President Bola Tinubu has banned military personnel from engaging in activities including homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality, cross-dressing, body piercing, tattooing, disorderly behavior, and drunkenness. 这项禁令是经修订的武装部队条款的一部分,它也禁止军官与下属或其配偶保持亲密关系。 The ban, part of revised armed forces terms, also prohibits officers from having amorous relationships with subordinates or their spouses. 该文件没有具体规定对违反行为的惩罚。 The document does not specify punishments for violations.