特朗普对钢铁和铝征收的关税引发了货币变动和贸易战担忧。 Trump's tariffs on steel and aluminum spark currency shifts and trade war fears.
美国总统特朗普宣布对钢铁和铝进口征收 25% 的关税,导致美元上涨,欧元、加元和澳元等货币下跌。 U.S. President Trump's announcement of 25% tariffs on steel and aluminum imports led to a rise in the U.S. dollar and a fall in currencies like the euro, Canadian dollar, and Australian dollar. 特朗普还计划引入互惠关税,加剧了对全球贸易战的担忧。 Trump also plans to introduce reciprocal tariffs, fueling concerns over a global trade war. 尽管美国就业报告强劲,但分析师表示,关税可能会推动通胀,并迫使美联储保持高利率。 Despite a strong U.S. jobs report, analysts suggest tariffs could drive inflation and pressure the Federal Reserve to keep interest rates high.