各州考虑通过新的法律,禁止堕胎药丸,并惩罚在Roe诉Wade案之后使用这些药丸的行为。 States consider new laws to ban abortion pills and penalize their use post-Roe v. Wade.
在一些已经禁止堕胎的州,立法者正在考虑制定新法律,禁止堕胎药丸并惩罚寻求堕胎的妇女。 In several states where abortion is already banned, lawmakers are considering new laws to ban abortion pills and penalize women seeking abortions. 这些建议旨在将堕胎药丸归类为受管制药物,并将无处方的拥有定为非法。 These proposals aim to classify abortion pills as controlled substances and make their possession without prescription illegal. 尽管主要的医学团体表示反对,认为这些药片是安全的,但这些措施继续影响在Roe诉Wade案之后的堕胎政策辩论。 Despite opposition from major medical groups, who argue the pills are safe, these measures continue to influence the abortion policy debate post-Roe v. Wade. 一些州还在法律上对保健提供者提出挑战,通过远程保健、在纽约等州测试保护堕胎药丸的法律规定。 Some states are also legally challenging healthcare providers prescribing abortion pills through telehealth, testing laws in states like New York that protect such providers.