在禁止堕胎的州中,2023年后堕胎率相似,表明尽管法律有限制,仍有持续的需求。 2023 post-Roe abortion rates similar in states with bans, indicating continued demand despite legal restrictions.
计划生育协会的一份报告显示,2023年下半年禁止堕胎各州的堕胎率与最高法院推翻Roe诉Wade案之前的堕胎率相同。 A report from the Society of Family Planning reveals that abortion rates in states with bans remained similar in the second half of 2023 to those before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. 妇女通过国家外出旅行获得堕胎服务,通过邮件获得避孕药,同时增加远程保健咨询。 Women are accessing abortions through out-of-state travel and receiving pills by mail, along with increased telehealth consultations. 这些调查结果表明,尽管有法律限制,堕胎需求依然存在。 These findings suggest that the demand for abortions persists despite legal restrictions.