两名新西兰医生因颁发不当的COVID-19疫苗豁免证书而受到审查。 Two New Zealand doctors faced scrutiny for issuing improper COVID-19 vaccine exemption certificates.
两名新西兰政府采购人员为COVID-19疫苗豁免签发了不适当的医疗证明,未能提供平衡的、基于证据的信息。 Two New Zealand GPs issued inappropriate medical certificates for COVID-19 vaccine exemptions, failing to provide balanced, evidence-based information. N博士给予12名病人豁免,其中11名病人不符合标准,而A博士根据不充分的资料签发了3名病人。 Dr N gave 12 patients exemptions, with 11 not complying with standards, while Dr A issued three based on insufficient information. 两人都建议接受复习培训和同行审查。 Both were recommended to undergo refresher training and peer reviews. 卫生和残疾人事务专员强调,尽管有个人意见,仍遵守专业标准。 The Health and Disability Commissioner emphasized adherence to professional standards despite personal views.