墨尔本全科医生马克·霍巴特 (Mark Hobart) 因涉嫌违反 COVID-19 卫生令而向维州民事和行政法庭 (VCAT) 提出无限期停职上诉。 Melbourne GP Dr Mark Hobart challenges indefinite suspension at VCAT over COVID-19 health order allegations.
墨尔本全科医生马克·霍巴特 (Mark Hobart) 因涉嫌违反 COVID-19 卫生命令而被判无限期停职,目前正在维多利亚州民事和行政法庭 (VCAT) 进行上诉。 Melbourne GP Dr Mark Hobart is challenging his indefinite suspension for allegedly breaking COVID-19 health orders at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT). 霍巴特医生是自疫情开始以来被停职的 20 多名医疗专业人员之一,7 月 11 日,他出现在 VCAT 面前,要求推翻对他的停职决定,称这是“滥用程序”和针对不遵守 COVID-19 指南的医生的“虚假”企图。 Dr Hobart, one of over 20 medical professionals suspended since the start of the pandemic, appeared before VCAT on July 11 to demand his suspension be overturned, claiming it is an "abuse of process" and a "spurious" attempt to target doctors who do not follow COVID-19 guidelines.