管道炸弹在加利福尼亚州Fairfield的Linear公园小道附近爆炸,未报告有人受伤。 Pipe bomb exploded near Linear Park Trail in Fairfield, California, with no injuries reported.
星期一下午1点15分左右,加利福尼亚Fairfield的Linear公园小道附近的垃圾桶里有一枚管状炸弹爆炸,未报告有人受伤。 A pipe bomb exploded in a garbage can near the Linear Park Trail in Fairfield, California, on Monday around 1:15 p.m., with no injuries reported. 爆炸发生在Suisun Fairfield墓地附近,对垃圾罐只造成轻微损坏。 The blast occurred near the Suisun Fairfield Cemetery, causing only minor damage to the garbage can. 费尔菲尔德警察局正在积极寻找责任人,但尚未公布任何可疑信息。 The Fairfield Police Department is actively searching for the person responsible, but no suspect information has been released yet.