马萨诸塞州罗利市的一名男子发现埋藏的炸药,当局安全引爆。 Man in Rowley, Massachusetts discovers buried explosives, authorities safely detonate.
一名男子使用金属探测器在马萨诸塞州纽伯里附近的罗利偏远地区发现了埋藏爆炸物,包括TNT和塑料炸药。 A man using a metal detector found buried explosives, including TNT and plastic explosives, in a remote area of Rowley, Massachusetts, near Newbury. 官方包括州警察和联邦机构的炸弹小组, 响应并安全地引爆了被认为埋藏多年的爆炸物. Authorities, including the State Police bomb squad and federal agencies, responded and safely detonated the explosives, which were believed to have been buried for many years. 由于其年龄和地点,认为没有必要进行进一步调查,也不需要撤离。 Due to their age and the location, no further investigation was deemed necessary, and no evacuations were required.