巴基斯坦有争议的PECA 2025在言论自由问题上面临法律挑战。 Pakistan's controversial PECA 2025 faces legal challenges over freedom of expression concerns.
巴基斯坦《2025年防止电子犯罪法》(《预防电子犯罪法》)在多个法院受到法律质疑, 请愿书认为该法没有明确界定“虚假新闻”和要求记者披露消息来源, The Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) 2025 in Pakistan is under legal challenge in multiple courts, with petitions arguing it violates constitutional rights to freedom of expression by not clearly defining "fake news" and requiring journalists to disclose sources. 法院已发出通知并举行听证会。 Courts have issued notices and set hearings. 同时,国民议会正在组建一个小组委员会,处理记者对该法的关切。 Meanwhile, the National Assembly is forming a sub-committee to address journalists' concerns about the law.