巴基斯坦提出更严格的在线内容法, 包括散布假消息的监禁时间。 Pakistan proposes stricter online content laws, including prison time for spreading disinformation.
巴基斯坦政府正在对《预防电子犯罪法》提出修正案,以打击假新闻和非法网上内容。 The Pakistani government is proposing amendments to the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) to combat fake news and unlawful online content. 新立法可能规定最高可判处3年监禁和200万卢比的罚款,因为散布虚假信息。 The new legislation could see penalties of up to three years in prison and fines of Rs2 million for spreading disinformation. 它还旨在建立一个数字权利保护局(DRPA),该机构有权封锁或删除非法内容并规范社交媒体平台。 It also aims to establish a Digital Rights Protection Authority (DRPA) that would have the power to block or remove unlawful content and regulate social media platforms. 批评者担心法律可能导致审查, 但政府坚持在讨论假新闻和仇恨言论等问题时, 将保护公民的权利。 Critics worry the law could lead to censorship, but the government insists it will protect citizens' rights while addressing issues like fake news and hate speech.