巴基斯坦通过法案, 将网上假信息定罪, Pakistan passes bill criminalizing online disinformation with up to three years in prison.
巴基斯坦参议院已通过一项法案, 将网上散布虚假信息定为犯罪, 惩罚包括三年以下有期徒刑及200万卢比罚款。 Pakistan's Senate has passed a bill that criminalizes spreading disinformation online, with penalties including up to three years in prison and fines of 2 million rupees. 《预防电子犯罪法》设立了一个机构,可阻止被视为“非法和冒犯性”的内容,而不遵守则导致禁止。 The Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act establishes an agency that can block content deemed "unlawful and offensive," with non-compliance leading to bans. 批评者辩称该法案压制言论自由,并将在法庭上受到质疑。 Critics argue the bill suppresses freedom of speech and will be challenged in court.