巴基斯坦提出新的数字法律, 建立一个机构封锁网络内容并处罚虚假信息。 Pakistan proposes new digital laws, creating a body to block online content and penalize false information.
巴基斯坦政府已提议修订《防止电子犯罪法》, 成立数字权利保护局, 有权封锁或删除被认为有害公共安全或国家利益的网上内容。 Pakistan's government has proposed amendments to the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act, introducing a Digital Rights Protection Authority with powers to block or remove online content deemed harmful to public safety or state interests. 这些修正案旨在打击假新闻和宣传,对散布虚假信息者处以最高5年监禁或100万卢比罚款。 The amendments aim to combat fake news and propaganda by imposing penalties including up to five years in jail or a fine of 1 million rupees for spreading false information. DRPA将监督煽动仇恨、恐怖主义和针对国家的暴力的内容,其决定可在法庭上受到质疑。 The DRPA will oversee content promoting hatred, terrorism, and violence against the state, and its decisions can be challenged in a tribunal.