新药尼拉多米拉斯在治疗渐进性肺纤维化方面显示出有前途的结果,在试验中表现优于安慰剂. New drug nerandomilast shows promising results in treating progressive pulmonary fibrosis, outperforming placebo in trials.
在第三期试验中,与安慰剂相比,博林格英格尔海姆公司的药物内拉多米拉斯在进展性肺纤维化 (PPF) 患者的肺功能中显著改善. Boehringer Ingelheim's drug nerandomilast has shown significant improvements in lung function for patients with progressive pulmonary fibrosis (PPF) in a Phase III trial, compared to a placebo. 药物改善了强迫性生命能力,并且耐受性良好,副作用与安慰剂组的副作用相似. The drug improved forced vital capacity and was well-tolerated, with side effects similar to those in the placebo group. 该公司计划提交一份申请,请林业发展局批准,并打算在今年晚些时候分享完整的试验结果。 The company plans to submit an application for FDA approval and aims to share full trial results later this year.