辉瑞推动BRAF对肺癌病人进行突变测试,以扩大BRAFTOVI和MEKTOVI综合疗法的使用。 Pfizer promotes BRAF mutation testing for lung cancer patients to expand use of BRAFTOVI® and MEKTOVI® combination therapy.
Pfizer正在倡导对肺癌病人进行BRAF突变测试,以加强对其药物组合BRAFTOVIZ和MEKTOVIQ的利用,该组合针对的是转移性非小型细胞肺癌中的BRAF V600E突变。 Pfizer is advocating for BRAF mutation testing in lung cancer patients to enhance the use of its drug combination, BRAFTOVI® and MEKTOVI®, which targets the BRAF V600E mutation in metastatic non-small cell lung cancer. 自去年批准以来,这种结合可能成为标准护理。 Approved since last year, this combination may become standard care. Pfizer的肿瘤学主任强调,检测简单、有保险,与2.3%的肺癌病例有关。 Pfizer's Chief Oncology Officer emphasized that testing is simple, insured, and relevant for 2-3% of lung cancer cases. 去年,毒品的销售额接近4亿美元。 Last year, the drugs generated nearly $400 million in sales.