与类固醇相比,新的哮喘和抗逆转录病毒药物治疗(Benralizumab)的削减需要进一步治疗30%。 New asthma and COPD treatment, benralizumab, cuts need for further treatment by 30% compared to steroids.
科学家发现了一种治疗哮喘和青蒿素综合疗法的新疗法,称为Benralizumab,与类固醇片剂相比,进一步治疗的需要减少了30%。 Scientists have discovered a new treatment for asthma and COPD, called benralizumab, which reduces the need for further treatment by 30% compared to steroid tablets. 作为注射实施,Benralizumab针对特定的白血细胞,以减少肺炎。 Administered as an injection, benralizumab targets specific white blood cells to reduce lung inflammation. 这种治疗有可能在家中或医生办公室进行,从而减少了就诊次数以及糖尿病和骨质疏松症等类固醇副作用的风险。 The treatment could potentially be given at home or in a doctor's office, reducing hospital visits and the risk of steroid side effects like diabetes and osteoporosis. 这一突破标志着50年来首次进行新的哮喘治疗。 This breakthrough marks the first new asthma treatment in 50 years.