McGill大学面临45M美元的预算削减、裁员和因财政紧张而冻结雇用。 McGill University faces $45M budget cut, staff layoffs, and hiring freeze due to financial strain.
McGill大学计划明年从预算中削减4 500万美元,在今后几年减少赤字,导致裁员和冻结雇用。 McGill University plans to cut $45 million from its budget next year and reduce deficits in following years, leading to staff layoffs and a hiring freeze. 该大学列举了增长较快的开支和魁北克省新政策,这些政策增加了省外学生的学费,并减少了入学收入。 The university cites faster-growing expenses and new Quebec policies that increased tuition for out-of-province students and reduced enrollment revenue. 为解决这些问题,麦吉尔将推出地平线麦吉尔号,这是一项旨在提高行政效率的举措。 To address these issues, McGill will launch Horizon McGill, an initiative aimed at improving administrative efficiency.