魁北克的英语大学就学费政策起诉政府, Quebec's English universities sue government over tuition policy resulting in enrolment declines and revenue loss.
魁北克的英语大学,包括康科迪亚大学和麦吉尔大学,由于最近的学费上涨,入学率大幅下降。 Quebec's English universities, including Concordia and McGill, have experienced significant enrolment declines due to recent tuition hikes. 省外和国际学生入学率下降,导致Concordia年度收入损失1 500万美元,Bishop大学可能出现260万美元的赤字。 Out-of-province and international student enrolment has dropped, leading to a $15 million annual revenue loss for Concordia and a potential $2.6 million deficit for Bishop's University. 两所大学都在起诉魁北克政府,认为根据《加拿大权利和自由宪章》,学费政策构成歧视。 Both universities are suing the Quebec government, arguing the tuition policy constitutes discrimination under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.