新西兰的Kāinga Ora执行更严格的房租债务政策,将租户所欠16.1百万美元的房租债务减半。 Kāinga Ora in New Zealand implements stricter rent debt policy to halve $16.1M owed by tenants.
新西兰国家住房提供者Kāinga Ora正在对房租债务实行更严厉的政策,将目前欠下的1 610万美元减少一半左右。 New Zealand's state housing provider, Kāinga Ora, is introducing a tougher policy on rent debt to reduce the current $16.1 million owed by about half. 该政策将租金债务限制在12周之内,并对未能付款或拒绝合作的租户采取更坚决的行动,同时支持那些努力付款的人。 The policy limits rent debt to 12 weeks and takes firmer action against tenants who miss payments or refuse to cooperate, while supporting those making efforts to pay. 新措施旨在更快地收回剩余债务,防止目前的租户积累过多的债务。 The new measures aim to recover remaining debts faster and prevent current tenants from accumulating excessive debt.