新西兰的Kāinga Ora计划削减债务并建造社会住房, 但批评者担心这将增加无家可归现象。 New Zealand's Kāinga Ora plans to cut debt and build social housing, but critics fear it will increase homelessness.
新西兰住房机构Kāinga Ora公布了一项转变计划,以改善财政可持续性,并将重点放在建造社会住房上。 New Zealand's housing agency Kāinga Ora has unveiled a turnaround plan to improve financial sustainability and focus on building social housing. 该计划旨在在本财政年度将债务减少18亿美元,并将赤字减少1.9亿美元,到2027/28时减少3.54亿美元。 The plan aims to reduce debt by $1.8 billion and cut deficits by $190 million in the current financial year and $354 million by 2027/28. 它涉及建造1 500所新房屋和改造400所现有房屋,由出售800处房产和拆除700处房屋所抵消。 It involves building 1,500 new homes and retrofitting 400 existing ones, offset by the sale of 800 properties and demolition of 700. 包括劳工党和绿党在内的批评者认为,该计划将导致更多人无家可归,未能充分解决住房危机。 Critics, including the Labour and Green parties, argue the plan will lead to more homelessness and fail to address the housing crisis adequately.