作为租赁改革的一部分,新西兰政府计划重新引入“无原因”驱逐制度。 New Zealand government plans to reintroduce "no-cause" evictions as part of tenancy reforms.
作为租赁改革的一部分,新西兰政府计划重新引入“无原因”驱逐制度,允许房东无须给出具体理由即可终止租约。 The New Zealand government plans to reintroduce "no-cause" evictions, allowing landlords to end tenancies without citing a specific reason, as part of its tenancy reforms. 这一变化是由于上一届政府任期内房东退出租赁市场,导致租金上涨和社会住房等候名单增加。 The changes follow landlords' exit from the rental market during the previous government's term, leading to higher rents and increased social housing waitlists. 该法案正在起草中,预计将于年底通过。 The legislation is being drafted and is expected to pass by the end of the year.