一名警察在Limerick被一辆装有假车牌的汽车击中,受伤,汽车逃跑。 A Garda officer was hit by a car with fake plates in Limerick, injured, and the car fled.
星期一晚上,一名警察在爱尔兰利默里克被一辆挂假牌的汽车撞伤,受伤。 A Garda officer was injured after being struck by a car with false license plates in Limerick, Ireland, on Monday evening. 事件发生在Brú na Gruadán庄园,当时该警官正在对一个无关的事项作出反应。 The incident occurred in the Brú na Gruadán estate when the officer was responding to an unrelated matter. 车辆逃离现场,该名军官被带往利梅里克大学医院,伤势不致命。 The vehicle fled the scene, and the officer was taken to University Hospital Limerick with non-life-threatening injuries. 警方正在寻找目击者及当地下午6: 30左右的录像, The Gardaí are seeking witnesses and footage from the area around 6:30 PM.