在公众支持日益高涨的情况下,包括 Avelina Anuran 在内的菲律宾离婚活动家推动离婚合法化。 Filipino divorce activists, including Avelina Anuran, push to legalize divorce amid growing public support.
包括Avelina Anuran(Avelina Anuran)在内的菲律宾离婚活动家正在菲律宾推动离婚合法化, Filipino divorce activists, including Avelina Anuran, are pushing for legalizing divorce in the Philippines, one of two countries where it's still illegal. 尽管面临反对, 但最近的调查显示超过半数菲律宾人支持这一改变。 Despite facing opposition, recent surveys show over half of Filipinos support the change. 拟议的法案旨在提供免费的法律和心理帮助,限制律师费,并确保案件得到迅速解决。 The proposed bill aimed to provide free legal and psychological help, cap lawyers' fees, and ensure quick resolution of cases. 虽然最近的尝试失败了, 活动家计划在7月重新提交法案, 希望公众支持增加。 Though the latest attempt failed, activists plan to refile the bill in July, hoping for growing public support.