印第安纳代表提出法案,以结束有子女的夫妇的无过失离婚,但需提出正当理由。 Indiana rep proposes bill to end no-fault divorces for couples with children, requiring valid reasons.
印第安纳代表Timothy Wesco提出了第1684号众议院法案,其目的是结束有子女的夫妇无过失离婚。 Indiana Representative Timothy Wesco introduced House Bill 1684, which aims to end no-fault divorces for couples with children. 该法案名为“不可挽回的婚姻破裂”,要求夫妻双方提供离婚的正当理由并有证人。 The bill, titled "Irretrievable Breakdown of Marriage," requires couples to provide a valid reason for divorce and have a witness. 目前,印第安纳州允许没有子女的夫妇无过失离婚,但该法案力求使有子女的夫妇更难离婚。 Currently, Indiana allows no-fault divorces for couples without children, but this bill seeks to make divorce more difficult for those with children.