根据特朗普辞职计划,联邦工人辞职,面临福利不确定性。 Federal worker resigns under Trump's resignation offer plan, facing benefits uncertainty.
33岁的联邦工人Chonda Loder接受了Trump行政当局的辞职提议,将她的职位留在退伍军人事务部。 Federal worker Chonda Loder, 33, accepted the Trump administration's resignation offer, leaving her position at the Department of Veterans Affairs. 该提议承诺,在 2 月 6 日之前退出的人可以在 9 月之前获得福利,但波士顿的一名联邦法官暂停了该计划,等待法律听证会。 The offer promised benefits until September to those who quit by February 6, but a federal judge in Boston paused the plan pending a legal hearing. 有两个孩子的母亲Loder选择了更灵活工作环境的提议,承认未来薪酬和工作稳定性的不确定性。 Loder, a mother of two, chose the offer for a more flexible work environment, acknowledging the uncertainty about future payments and job stability. 许多联邦工人由于有关该方案的信息不明确而面临艰难决定。 Many federal workers are facing tough decisions due to unclear information about the program.