Trump 行政部门向联邦工人提供买断,这反映了Musk的推特策略。 Trump administration offers buyout to federal workers, mirroring Musk's Twitter strategy.
与Elon Musk在Twitter上的战略相似, Trump政府向联邦雇员提供买断方案, 要求他们辞职或承诺执行新的办公室内任务。 The Trump administration has offered federal employees a buyout, similar to Elon Musk's strategy at Twitter, asking them to either resign or commit to new in-office mandates. 这项旨在精简业务和减少政府开支的行动引起了人们对Musk的同伙在人事管理办公室(传统上是一个无党派机构)的影响的关切。 This move, aimed at streamlining operations and reducing government spending, has raised concerns about the influence of Musk's associates in the Office of Personnel Management, traditionally a nonpartisan body. 这项提议是更广泛改革的一部分,目的是使联邦工作人员与行政当局的议程保持一致,有可能扰乱政府职能。 The offer is part of a broader overhaul to align federal workers with the administration's agenda, potentially disrupting government functions.