英格兰敦促公民在本周免费、快速地进行艾滋病毒检测,以加强早期诊断和治疗。 England urges citizens to get free, quick HIV tests this week to boost early diagnosis and treatment.
全国艾滋病毒检测周鼓励英格兰各地人民接受检测,强调早期诊断和治疗的重要性。 National HIV Testing Week encourages people across England to get tested, emphasizing the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. 该运动从2月10日持续到16日,促进定期检测,以降低传播率,目标是到2030年结束新的艾滋病毒病例。 The campaign, running from February 10 to 16, promotes regular testing to reduce transmission rates and aims to end new HIV cases by 2030. 检测是免费的、快速的和保密的,可在诊所和网上获得,包括邮政测试选项。 Testing is free, quick, and confidential, available at clinics and online, including a postal test option. 当局强调,早期发现可以进行有效治疗,帮助被诊断者过上健康的生活,防止传播。 Authorities stress that early detection allows for effective treatment, helping those diagnosed live healthy lives and prevent transmission.