健康MD与亚特兰大教堂合作, 为世界艾滋病日提供免费的艾滋病毒检测, HealthyMD partners with Atlanta church for World AIDS Day, offering free HIV tests to fight stigma.
HealthMD是一家黑人拥有的保健公司,与新出生传教浸信会教会合作,在亚特兰大举办世界艾滋病日活动,提供免费艾滋病毒检测。 HealthyMD, a Black-owned healthcare company, partnered with New Birth Missionary Baptist Church for a World AIDS Day event offering free HIV testing in Atlanta. 该倡议旨在减少耻辱感并增加获得检测的机会,特别是在服务不足的社区。 The initiative aims to reduce stigma and increase access to testing, particularly in underserved communities. 在美国,黑人和布朗社区占新感染艾滋病毒病例的一半以上,尽管仅占人口总数的三分之一。 In the US, Black and Brown communities account for over half of new HIV cases despite making up only one-third of the population. 疾控中心还促进艾滋病毒自我检测,在12月之前免费提供测试包,以改进检测和减少耻辱感。 The CDC also promoted HIV self-testing, offering free shipping on test kits until December, to improve testing and reduce stigma.