Keir Starmer(英国总理Keir Starmer)接受公开的HIV测试, UK PM Keir Starmer takes public HIV test, launching HIV Testing Week to combat the disease.
英国首相基尔·斯塔默(Keir Starmer)在本周接受了公开的艾滋病毒测试, UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer took a public HIV test this week, becoming the first known Western PM to do so. 该法标志着艾滋病毒检测周的开始,该周从2月10日至17日开始,提供20 000份免费、保密的家用检测。 This act marks the beginning of HIV Testing Week, running from February 10-17, which offers 20,000 free, confidential at-home tests. 在联合王国,约有107 000人感染艾滋病毒,约有4 700人不知道他们的状况。 About 107,000 people in the UK live with HIV, with around 4,700 unaware of their status. Starmer的目标是到2030年在英格兰结束新的艾滋病毒传播。 Starmer aims to end new HIV transmissions in England by 2030.