Calgary、Saint John和Windsor等加拿大城市面临来自美国关税的高度风险。 Canadian cities like Calgary, Saint John, and Windsor face high risk from U.S. tariffs, report says.
加拿大商会的一份报告将卡尔加里、圣约翰和温莎确定为加拿大最易受美国关税影响的城市。 A Canadian Chamber of Commerce report identifies Calgary, Saint John, and Windsor as the Canadian cities most vulnerable to U.S. tariffs. "美国" The U. S. The "U.S. 根据加拿大统计局的贸易数据, 关税暴露指数显示, 与美国出口比率较高的城市将受影响最大。 Tariff Exposure Index," based on Statistics Canada trade data, indicates cities with high export ratios to the U.S. will be most affected. 圣约翰和卡尔加里的原油、天然气和海产食品出口量巨大,与以汽车制造业为重点的西南安大略省城市一样,它们尤其面临风险。 Saint John and Calgary, with significant exports in crude oil, natural gas, and seafood, are particularly at risk, alongside Southwestern Ontario cities focused on automotive manufacturing.