巴西禁止学校在上课时间使用手机, 以增加注意力并减少社交媒体的使用。 Brazil bans cellphones in schools during school hours to boost focus and cut social media use.
在里约热内卢成功试点的启发下,巴西在全国范围禁止学校使用手机。 Brazil has implemented a nationwide ban on cellphones in schools, inspired by a successful pilot in Rio de Janeiro. 这项禁令由卢拉·达席尔瓦总统签署成为法律,适用于班级和课间休息期间,旨在减少分心和社交媒体上瘾。 The ban, signed into law by President Lula da Silva, applies during classes and break times, aiming to reduce distractions and social media addiction. 教科文组织报告说,40%的全球教育系统现在有智能手机禁令,高于一年前的30%。 UNESCO reported that 40% of global education systems now have smartphone bans, up from 30% a year ago. 巴西的法律允许为教育目的、紧急情况和健康原因使用手机。 Brazil's law allows cellphone use for educational purposes, emergencies, and health reasons. 据报道,这项禁令改善了学生的成绩和社会互动。 The ban has reportedly improved grades and social interactions among students.