新泽西和怀俄明州考虑限制学校使用智能手机,以遏制分散注意力和欺凌行为。 New Jersey and Wyoming consider limiting smartphone use in schools to curb distractions and bullying.
新泽西州正在考虑一项法案,为学校使用智能手机和社交媒体制定全州规则,怀俄明州则提议禁止在教室使用手机和智能监视器,但有一些例外。 New Jersey is considering a bill that would create statewide rules for smartphones and social media use in schools, while Wyoming has proposed banning cell phones and smartwatches in classrooms, with some exceptions. 支持者认为,此类措施可以减少分心和防止网络欺凌,而反对者则认为,应由家长和地方学校区作出决定。 Proponents argue that such measures could reduce distractions and prevent cyberbullying, while opponents believe that decisions should be left to parents and local school districts. 佛罗里达州和加利福尼亚州等州已经制定了类似的政策。 Similar policies are already in place in states like Florida and California.