英国石油公司签署了一项协议,以管理印度最大的岸外油田孟买高中,目的是从2025年3月起提高产量。 BP signed a deal to manage India's largest offshore oil field, Mumbai High, aiming to boost production from March 2025.
BP 和印度国有企业 ONGC 签署了一份合同,BP 将担任印度最大的海上油田 Mumbai High 的技术服务提供商。 BP and India's state-owned ONGC have signed a contract for BP to serve as the Technical Services Provider for Mumbai High, India's largest offshore oil field. 英国石油公司将努力从2025年3月开始稳定并增加产量,使阿联酋和印度从中受益。 BP will work to stabilize and increase production starting March 2025, benefiting ONGC and India. 此外,两家公司签署了一份谅解备忘录,在今后三年里在印度和国际上就石油和天然气勘探、贸易和其他能源领域进行合作。 Additionally, the two companies signed an MoU to collaborate on oil and gas exploration, trading, and other energy areas both in India and internationally for the next three years.