印度的OGC Videsh Ltd为越南06.1和128区块石油和天然气生产的合同延期提供了担保,以抵消中国的影响力。 India's ONGC Videsh Ltd secures contract extensions for oil & gas production in Vietnam's Blocks 06.1 and 128, countering China's influence.
印度的OGC Videsh有限公司(OVL)保证越南Nam Con Son盆地近海6.1号区块的石油和天然气生产合同延长16年,延长至2039年。 India's ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL) secures 16-year contract extension for oil & gas production in Vietnam's Block 06.1, offshore Nam Con Son Basin, extending till 2039. 此外,OVL在有争议的南中国海128区勘探石油和天然气的勘探工作获得3年延长。 Additionally, OVL receives a three-year extension to explore for oil & gas in Block 128 in the contested South China Sea. 这两个区对印度和越南打击中国在该区域的行动具有战略重要性。 Both blocks have strategic importance for India and Vietnam in countering China's actions in the region.