英国法官允许阿尔巴尼亚罪犯因儿子对食物的敏感性而逗留,对驱逐提出质疑。 UK judge allows Albanian criminal to stay due to son's food sensitivities, challenging deportation.
联合王国的一位移民法官允许阿尔巴尼亚罪犯Klevis Disha暂时留在联合王国,原因是担心他10岁的儿子的食物敏感性和情绪困难。 An immigration judge in the UK has allowed Albanian criminal Klevis Disha to stay in the UK temporarily due to concerns about his 10-year-old son's food sensitivities and emotional difficulties. 法庭裁定,如果返回阿尔巴尼亚,这名儿童将受到“不适当的严厉”待遇,例如,法庭以厌恶外国鸡块为例。 The tribunal ruled that returning to Albania would be "unduly harsh" on the child, citing an aversion to foreign chicken nuggets as an example. 内政部对这一决定提出上诉,认为没有足够的证据来支持这项裁决,并强调其驱逐外国罪犯的承诺。 The Home Office is appealing the decision, arguing there isn't enough evidence to support the ruling and emphasizing its commitment to deporting foreign criminals. 该案仍在审理中。 The case is ongoing.