上诉法院命令爱尔兰青少年越狱犯返回,将他置于特别照料令之下。 Court of Appeal orders Irish teenage escapee to return, placing him under special care order.
由于"反图斯拉"团体的帮助, 一名在爱尔兰逃离护理的少年被上诉法院命令返回爱尔兰, 根据"特别护理命令"安置在安全的住所. A teenage boy who escaped care in Ireland with help from an "anti-Tusla" group was ordered by the Court of Appeal to return to Ireland and be placed in secure accommodation under a "special care order." 法院认定,尽管该男孩声称他有安全问题,而且没有可安排的安置,但他的返回符合他的最佳利益。 The court upheld that his return was in his best interest, despite the boy's claims of safety concerns and lack of available placements. 裁决强调,如果他留在联合王国,将危及他的福祉。 The ruling emphasized the risks to his well-being if he remained in the UK.