高等法院以提交申请已过时为由驳回津巴布韦母女的驱逐出境上诉。 High Court rejects Zimbabwean mother and daughter's deportation appeal due to out-of-time filing.
高等法院驳回了津巴布韦一名母亲和她的女儿推翻司法部长驱逐她们的决定的请求,因为她们的申请是在 28 天的法定时限之外提出的。 The High Court rejected a Zimbabwean mother and her daughter's bid to overturn the Minister for Justice's decision to deport them, as their application was brought outside the 28-day legal timeframe. 这对不愿透露姓名的母女离开津巴布韦后向爱尔兰寻求国际保护,声称她的未婚夫和儿子在参加一场政治集会后失踪,她回国后可能会面临起诉。 The mother and daughter, who cannot be named, had sought international protection in Ireland after leaving Zimbabwe, claiming her fiancé and sons vanished after attending a political rally, and she faced potential prosecution upon return. 国际保护办公室和国际保护上诉法庭此前均拒绝了他们的申请。 The International Protection Office and the International Protection Appeal Tribunal had previously rejected their applications.