索尼的 PlayStation Network 在全球范围内遭遇重大中断,影响了全球数百万用户。 Sony's PlayStation Network experiences major global outage, affecting millions of users worldwide.
索尼的 PlayStation Network (PSN) 在 2 月 7 日和 8 日经历了一次严重的全球中断,影响了数百万报告在访问在线游戏服务、PlayStation Store 和其他 PSN 功能时出现问题的用户。 Sony's PlayStation Network (PSN) experienced a significant global outage on February 7th and 8th, affecting millions of users who reported issues accessing online gaming services, the PlayStation Store, and other PSN features. 索尼证实了中断,但没有具体说明原因。 Sony confirmed the outage but did not specify the cause. 用户面临连接问题和登录失败,Downdetector 记录了超过 71,000 条投诉。 Users faced connectivity issues and login failures, with Downdetector logging over 71,000 complaints. 这是继 10 月份的一次中断之后,今年的第二次重大中断。 This is the second major disruption this year, following an outage in October.