在全球24小时网络停机后, Sony向PS Plus用户提供五天免费的扩展服务。 Sony offers PS Plus users a five-day free extension after a global 24-hour network outage.
在影响 PlayStation Network 的 24 小时全球中断后,索尼为 PlayStation Plus 会员提供 5 天的免费服务延期。 Sony is providing PlayStation Plus members with a five-day free service extension following a 24-hour global outage that impacted the PlayStation Network. 2月7日至8日断电, 用户无法进入网上多人游戏、数字游戏、游戏商店, The outage, which took place on February 7-8, left users unable to access online multiplayer, digital games, and the PlayStation Store. Sony没有说明造成中断的原因,但为不便道歉,并感谢用户的耐心。 Sony has not specified the cause of the disruption but has apologized for the inconvenience and thanked users for their patience. 额外服务日将自动加到成员账户中。 The extra service days will be automatically added to members' accounts.