游戏网络倒闭,影响了PS4和PS5用户获得在线游戏和服务的机会。 PlayStation Network is down, affecting PS4 and PS5 users' access to online gaming and services.
游戏网络(PSN)正经历重大断电,影响到PS4和PS5用户,影响到账户管理、在线游戏和PlayStation商店等服务。 PlayStation Network (PSN) is experiencing a major outage affecting PS4 and PS5 users, impacting services such as account management, online gaming, and the PlayStation Store. 用户无法登录、购买游戏或接入网络功能。 Users are unable to log in, purchase games, or access network features. 这个问题从星期五大约6时开始,目前正在继续。 The issue began around 6 PM EST on Friday and is ongoing. 索尼公司正在努力解决这一问题,但没有提供停电的时间表或原因。 Sony is working to resolve the problem but has not provided a timeline or cause for the outage.