2024年的主要技术中断影响到全球数以百万计的人,突出表明需要具有抗御力的系统。 Major tech outages in 2024 affected millions globally, highlighting the need for resilient systems.
在2024年,主要技术失灵影响到全球数百万人, Facebook3月5日的停机影响到1 110万用户, In 2024, major tech outages affected millions globally, with Facebook's March 5th outage impacting 11.1 million users, followed by CrowdStrike's July outage affecting 8.5 million. 在非洲和中东,微软365、Facebook和Telkom出现大量停电,反映出对技术的依赖和对有复原力系统的需求。 In Africa and the Middle East, Microsoft 365, Facebook, and Telkom had significant outages, reflecting the reliance on technology and the need for resilient systems. 诸如Telkom等南非电信供应商也遭遇显著中断。 South African telecom providers like Telkom also experienced notable disruptions. Downtector指出,该区域当地和国际的停电数量大致相等,突出了技术服务的相互联系性质。 Downdetector noted a roughly equal number of local and international outages in the region, highlighting the interconnected nature of tech services.