新西兰财政部长讨论在关税威胁下与美国的贸易平衡。 New Zealand's Finance Minister discusses trade balance with the U.S., amid tariff threats.
新西兰财政部长尼科拉·威利斯(Nicola Willis)强调,尽管特朗普总统的关税威胁,新西兰与美国的贸易关系是平衡的。 New Zealand's Finance Minister Nicola Willis emphasized the country's balanced trade relationship with the US, despite tariff threats from President Trump. 新西兰向美国出口146亿美元,使其成为第二大出口市场。 New Zealand exported $14.6 billion to the US, making it the second-largest export market. Willis提出,降低新西兰元可使出口更具竞争力,从而有助于减轻关税影响。 Willis suggested that a lower New Zealand dollar could help mitigate tariff impacts by making exports more competitive.