新西兰贸易部长承诺到年底与印度达成自由贸易协定。 New Zealand's Trade Minister pledges to secure a free trade agreement with India by year's end.
新西兰贸易部长托德·麦克克莱(Todd McClay)承担了个人责任,在本任期结束前与印度达成自由贸易协定,转移了总理克里斯托弗·卢克森(Christopher Luxon)的潜在罪责。 New Zealand's Trade Minister Todd McClay has taken personal responsibility for securing a free trade agreement (FTA) with India by the end of the current term, shifting potential blame from Prime Minister Christopher Luxon. 尽管McClay和该部的副秘书表示乐观,但他们都承认这些挑战,包括印度的保护主义政策以及近十年来缺乏正式谈判。 Despite expressing optimism, both McClay and the Ministry's deputy secretary acknowledge the challenges, including India's protectionist policies and the lack of formal negotiations in nearly a decade. 新西兰目前与印度的贸易额为29.3亿美元。 New Zealand’s trade with India currently stands at $2.93 billion.