男子被控在未经同意的情况下拍摄受害者的裙底事件,在澳大利亚面临多项罪行。 Man charged with filming victims without consent in upskirting incidents, facing multiple offenses in Australia.
一名来自Redan的39岁男子被指控犯有多项罪行,包括持有虐待儿童的材料,据称在1月1日至2月7日在Ballarat和墨尔本的上吊事件中未经同意对受害者进行了拍摄。 A 39-year-old man from Redan has been charged with multiple offenses, including possessing child abuse material, after allegedly filming victims without consent during upskirting incidents in Ballarat and Melbourne between January 1 and February 7. 警察执行搜查令,扣押电子设备。 Police executed search warrants, seizing electronic devices. 他面临制作私密图像、跟踪、公共骚扰等指控,并将于巴拉拉特治安法院出庭。 He faces charges of producing intimate images, stalking, and public nuisance, and is due in Ballarat Magistrates' Court.