Eden man被捕,因对儿童进行性虐待和处理虐待儿童的材料而面临12项指控。 Eden man arrested, faces 12 charges for sexually abusing children and handling child abuse material.
根据在线报道, 一名25岁的伊甸男子被捕并被指控多起虐待儿童罪, An Eden man, 25, has been arrested and charged with multiple child abuse offenses, including sexually touching, inciting sexual acts, and producing, possessing, and sharing child abuse material, after online reports. 警察在逮捕期间查获了电子装置。 Police seized electronic devices during the arrest. 该男子被拒绝保释,面临12项指控,并准备在贝特曼斯湾地方法院出庭。 The man, denied bail, faces 12 charges and is set to appear in Batemans Bay Local Court.