安大略的男子被指控犯有性贩运、殴打和制作儿童色情制品罪。 Man in Ontario charged with sex trafficking, assault, and creating child pornography.
安大略沃汉省Kishawen Jermaine Brooks的一名34岁男子面临多重指控,包括性贩运、性攻击和制作儿童色情制品。 A 34-year-old man in Vaughan, Ontario, Kishawn Jermaine Brooks, is facing multiple charges including sex trafficking, sexual assault, and making child pornography. 据称,Brooks在一家商场遇见了一名年轻女孩,引诱她到家中,殴打她,并拍摄色情照片为性服务做广告。 Brooks allegedly met a young girl at a mall, lured her to his home, assaulted her, and took pornographic photos to advertise sexual services. 警察怀疑可能会有更多的受害者,并敦促任何有情报的人提出来。 Police suspect there may be additional victims and urge anyone with information to come forward.