22岁受害者在Limavady袭击中伤势严重后被捕。 Man arrested after 22-year-old victim found critically injured in Limavady assault.
一名34岁的男子在北爱尔兰利马瓦迪遭到严重袭击后被捕,在该地发现一名22岁的受害人在爱尔兰格林街受重伤,目前情况稳定,但仍处于危急状态。 A 34-year-old man was arrested following a serious assault in Limavady, Northern Ireland, where a 22-year-old victim was found critically injured on Irish Green Street and is now stable but still in critical condition. 嫌疑人因涉嫌故意严重伤害身体而被拘押。 The suspect is held on suspicion of grievous bodily harm with intent. 警方正在寻找任何证人或有相关录像的证人站出来。 Police are seeking any witnesses or those with relevant footage to come forward.